BMI: Why it Falls Short as a Measure of Health


Body Mass Index (BMI) has long been used as a quick and easy way to assess an individual's health status. However, relying solely on BMI as a measure of health can be misleading and oversimplified. This article aims to shed light on the limitations of Body Mass Index and why it should not be considered [...]

BMI: Why it Falls Short as a Measure of Health2023-11-05T06:01:28-05:00

Beliefs can change the results of our efforts


Beliefs, or what we think will happen, can actually change the results of our efforts. The human brain has the ability to predict what will happen next. The "expectancy theory" explains that our expectations of an event create brain patterns that can be just as real as the actual event. This is why many athletes [...]

Beliefs can change the results of our efforts2023-03-04T05:56:33-05:00

Chocolate is Very Healthy, if You Eat the Right Kind


Chocolate seems to get a bad rap sometimes. Why do we always debate whether or not a delicious food is healthy for us? The answer: we want to feel good eating the foods we enjoy. In a perfect world, we would each have our own personal chef that cooked nothing but nutritious foods for us [...]

Chocolate is Very Healthy, if You Eat the Right Kind2023-01-31T10:51:35-05:00

Gut-Brain Connection is Vital for Cognitive Health


The Gut-Brain Connection The gut-brain connection consists of bidirectional communication between the central and the enteric nervous system. This links the emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with peripheral intestinal functions. In other words, our guts can have a big impact on our brain. Here are a few ways for you to enhance the [...]

Gut-Brain Connection is Vital for Cognitive Health2022-12-04T10:51:28-05:00

Should You Save the Best Bite for Last?


When eating, should you save the best bite for last? If you are like me, the answer is yes! But, are we doing what is best for our body? Eating foods in a certain order can drastically reduce your insulin response. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas, which regulates the amount of glucose [...]

Should You Save the Best Bite for Last?2022-07-28T09:25:38-04:00
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