We want to let all of our patients know that we are monitoring the current coronavirus outbreak news and have been discussing our plans as new information about this coronavirus surfaces. Currently, we are planning on continuing caring for patients, but our office hours and days of operation may change.
During this time of increased stress, we know that chiropractic care is vital and do not want any disruptions in our patients’ care. Our staff is taking extra measures to clean and disinfect the office with non-toxic agents and our staff has been reminded to stay home if sick. We are also asking patients that are experiencing any symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, to please stay home.
We believe chiropractic care is an important part of everyone’s healthcare and know that chiropractic helps strengthen the immune system. Chiropractic care also helps decrease stress on the body and nervous system. In times like these it is important to have a healthy immune system, therefore we encourage you to make healthy lifestyle choices. For example, many of you have asked what we are doing to increase our families’ immune systems to stay healthy.
Here’s what we are doing to stay healthy during the coronavirus outbreak:
- Getting Adjustments
- Eating Well
- Managing Stress
- Getting Plenty of Sleep
- Exercising
- Washing our hands
- Supplementing with Immune Boosting Supplements ( Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, Magnesium)
We love being a part of your healthcare and are here for each of you! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss with us.
Dr Spencer Charlet
Mooresville Chiropractor