Positive Thinking – It is Not Just in Your Head


Positive thinking is about looking at things in a positive and productive way. Negative thinking does the exact opposite. Positive thinking will build you up and promote feelings of pleasantness. The latter will not. Then why it is so difficult to always think positively? There are many explanations for this question of which we will [...]

Positive Thinking – It is Not Just in Your Head2023-04-02T09:47:06-04:00

Hardwired for Happiness – How’s Your Neural Network?


I love to read about our brain and the hardwired network of nerves that course through our bodies. I usually have several books checked out from the library at once. This allows me to have several books about the same subject matter while also being able to cross-reference sources. I just finished a book called [...]

Hardwired for Happiness – How’s Your Neural Network?2022-10-16T17:29:38-04:00
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