The Spinach Challenge Recipes

The Spinach Challenge Recipes

How are you doing?  Did you start The Spinach Challenge yet?  Hopefully it is going well for you.  I thought I would post a few of my favorite recipes to get more spinach in your diet.

Breakfast – I eat this almost every morning, and it is my absolute favorite.  Take an all natural corn tortilla, add black beans, another tortilla, top with a bed of spinach, then three fried eggs, and finish with a couple of scoops of salsa – delicious!

Lunch – Make a salad with fresh spinach leaves, fresh kale, raisins, walnuts, hard-boiled egg, olive oil, and a splash of lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.  Feel free to add broccoli, green peppers, carrots, dried cranberries, and any other vegetable you like.

Snack – Try a protein shake, and make it green.  I use almond milk, banana, ice, a scoop of vanilla protein powder, and a handful of fresh spinach leaves.  Looks green, but tastes great.

Dinner – Use this as a side dish at dinner.  Take olive oil and garlic in a skillet.  Heat it up, then throw fresh spinach leaves in to lightly sautee.  Do not overcook as you will lose the nutritional value.

Keep looking for other creative ways to add spinach to your diet and feel free to post your ideas/recipes in the comments on on our Facebook page.  Here’s to good health and happiness.


Dr Spencer Charlet
Chiropractor in Mooresville, NC