Touch Screen Technology


At Active Spine Chiropractic we are environmentally friendly and try to limit our use of paper.  All patients sign in for their visit using our touch screen technology.  This information is transmitted into our patient files which can be accessed by our chiropractors in the adjusting rooms.  The computers in the adjusting rooms are also [...]

Touch Screen Technology2015-01-13T03:42:28-05:00

Chiropractic Care for Everyone


At Active Spine Chiropractic we treat all ages.  We have had patients as young as 1 day old, and all the way up into their 90s.  We have treated several families that span up to 3 separate generations.  We believe that all ages can benefit from chiropractic care due to its positive impact on the [...]

Chiropractic Care for Everyone2015-01-13T03:34:45-05:00

Argh, Matey!!!


Ahoy, Matey!  Today be National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Use tha chart below to see what your pirate name be.  Be sure to use thee name with your buckos and shipmates throughout the day.  Best be shovin off to sea before we capture you and make you swab the decks. Avast you crazy landlubbers, [...]

Argh, Matey!!!2014-09-19T10:25:32-04:00

The First Labor Day


The first Labor Day took place on September 5, 1882.  The second Labor Day was held on September 5, 1883.  Starting in 1884 Labor Day was celebrated on the first Monday in the month of September. Labor Day was founded to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the American workers.  It was originally celebrated [...]

The First Labor Day2014-09-01T01:19:24-04:00

10 Ways To Protect Your Joints


Nearly 27 million Americans are living with joint pain every today.  No longer considered just a consequence of aging, researchers now have several candidates when looking for a cause:  musculoskeletal defects, genetic defects, obesity, or injury and overuse. Here is a Top Ten list from the Arthritis Foundation with some suggestions on how to protect [...]

10 Ways To Protect Your Joints2014-03-12T12:00:06-04:00
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