The First Labor Day


The first Labor Day took place on September 5, 1882.  The second Labor Day was held on September 5, 1883.  Starting in 1884 Labor Day was celebrated on the first Monday in the month of September. Labor Day was founded to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the American workers.  It was originally celebrated [...]

The First Labor Day2014-09-01T01:19:24-04:00

10 Ways To Protect Your Joints


Nearly 27 million Americans are living with joint pain every today.  No longer considered just a consequence of aging, researchers now have several candidates when looking for a cause:  musculoskeletal defects, genetic defects, obesity, or injury and overuse. Here is a Top Ten list from the Arthritis Foundation with some suggestions on how to protect [...]

10 Ways To Protect Your Joints2014-03-12T12:00:06-04:00

Why Stretching Is Important


Arthritis is an everyday part of many people’s lives. So this week we thought we would impart the benefits of stretching and having a flexible body. Here are some other ways stretching can help your daily life. Stretching has a calming effect: Being zen is not only for yogis. Savasana can be achieved for all [...]

Why Stretching Is Important2014-03-11T01:00:30-04:00

5 Tips for Keeping Your Family Active


When it comes to heart health, it’s important that we think not only of our own cardiovascular health but also that of future generations. A study last year found that obese children and teens have as much plaque in their arteries as a 45-year-old adult, setting them up for heart disease and other serious health [...]

5 Tips for Keeping Your Family Active2014-01-31T15:15:49-05:00

Tips On Taking the Sadness Out of Aging


A bit of sadness is a common companion of aging. Over time, after all, seniors may lose vigor, independence, and even loved ones. But when melancholy becomes outright depression, the elderly are at risk of diabetes, heart disease, and even suicide. It's often up to their unofficial caretakers—their children—to spot depression's signs and take steps [...]

Tips On Taking the Sadness Out of Aging2014-01-30T15:26:24-05:00
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