Youth Athletics – How Much Is Too Much?


Youth athletics is growing at a rapid pace. More and more travel leagues and advanced teams give skilled players the opportunity to improve their skills. But at what cost? A review by Brown University recently studied over 10,000 children and teens. Their conclusion - kids who specialize in a sport are more likely to get injured. [...]

Youth Athletics – How Much Is Too Much?2022-10-16T17:26:06-04:00

Relieving Pain With This Anti-Inflammatory Drink


I was perusing the web this weekend, when I stumbled across a new drink recipe. No, not that kind of drink. This is a healthy drink recipe which supposedly decreases your inflammation. Any drink that boasts pain relieving properties is at least worth a try. Ingredients: 1 orange 1 lemon 2 tablespoons turmeric powder (or [...]

Relieving Pain With This Anti-Inflammatory Drink2022-10-16T17:27:46-04:00

Overeating Has Impact on Individual and on Our Planet


Overeating can lead to health problems such as: metabolic syndrome, heart disease, stroke, type II diabetes, and even some forms of cancer. Most of us are aware of these health risks as we sit down for our meals. Unfortunately, we may not have been aware of the overall risk for our planet. I have a [...]

Overeating Has Impact on Individual and on Our Planet2022-10-16T17:28:33-04:00

Hardwired for Happiness – How’s Your Neural Network?


I love to read about our brain and the hardwired network of nerves that course through our bodies. I usually have several books checked out from the library at once. This allows me to have several books about the same subject matter while also being able to cross-reference sources. I just finished a book called [...]

Hardwired for Happiness – How’s Your Neural Network?2022-10-16T17:29:38-04:00

Sleeping Too Little or Too Much is Bad for Your Health


Sleeping the right amount of hours hours each night is important for your overall health. If you get too little sleep, health problems will ensue. If you get too much sleep, health problems can develop. So what is the proper amount of sleep? Research shows that getting between 6-10 hours of sleep each night is [...]

Sleeping Too Little or Too Much is Bad for Your Health2023-01-08T07:37:28-05:00
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