Should You Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables?


Should You Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables? There has been a lot of debate over the recent years about organic foods.  So the question arises: Should You Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables? The American Academy of Pediatricians just recently announced that "parents who want to reduce their child's pesticide exposure may seek out organic [...]

Should You Eat Organic Fruits and Vegetables?2012-10-28T19:17:18-04:00

Get Out of Pain Fast!


Get Out of Pain Fast Have you ever been in serious pain? It is not fun at all. About four years ago I encountered the worst pain of my life. I don't remember exactly how it all started, but my low back pain was so severe, I had trouble standing. Driving for long [...]

Get Out of Pain Fast!2012-07-17T17:30:33-04:00

We Treat Sports Injuries


Do you have a favorite college football team?  How about a favorite college basketball team?  Are there sports teams that you cheer for all the time? I graduated from the University of Florida, so yes, I am a Gator fan.  I enjoy watching the Florida Gators play all sports.  Now, as a chiropractor, I am [...]

We Treat Sports Injuries2012-06-28T22:40:55-04:00
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