The Chiropractic Way


It seems to me that over the course of the 20th century most Americans lost control over their own health. Sure, there have been enormous advances in conventional medicine and technology, and in circumstances such a traumatic accident, heart attack, or other such diseases there is nothing like a top-flight emergency room. But the conventional [...]

The Chiropractic Way2015-03-12T16:29:27-04:00

Harvard Backs Chiropractic Care


 Chiropractic is a health care system that holds that the structure of the body, particularly the spine, affects the function of every part of the  body. Chiropractors try to correct the body’s alignment to relieve pain and improve function and to help the body heal itself. While the mainstay of chiropractic is spinal manipulation, chiropractic care [...]

Harvard Backs Chiropractic Care2015-03-12T15:54:18-04:00

What is Chiropractic Care?


If you ask most people would chiropractor does, there will be, “He cracks your back.” If you ask what's called a “narrow scope” chiropractor the same question, you'll hear, “A chiropractor reduces supplications that impede the normal function of the spine. Once subluxations are reduced, normal function can be restored.” If you ask a broad [...]

What is Chiropractic Care?2015-03-12T15:41:21-04:00

Argh, Matey!!!


Ahoy, Matey!  Today be National Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Use tha chart below to see what your pirate name be.  Be sure to use thee name with your buckos and shipmates throughout the day.  Best be shovin off to sea before we capture you and make you swab the decks. Avast you crazy landlubbers, [...]

Argh, Matey!!!2014-09-19T10:25:32-04:00

The First Labor Day


The first Labor Day took place on September 5, 1882.  The second Labor Day was held on September 5, 1883.  Starting in 1884 Labor Day was celebrated on the first Monday in the month of September. Labor Day was founded to celebrate the social and economic achievements of the American workers.  It was originally celebrated [...]

The First Labor Day2014-09-01T01:19:24-04:00
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