Meat Stuffing


Happy Thanksgiving!! I usually write posts about eating healthy, working out, or the latest health trends. Today I have decided to write a post about a favorite Thanksgiving dish of mine. It is called meat stuffing and it is absolutely delicious. Trust me, if you want a lot of protein, this is the meal to [...]

Meat Stuffing2016-11-21T13:51:50-05:00

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?


Are you Going to Bed Early Enough? A good night’s sleep is important for everyone. It is one of the best ways to keep yourself fit, healthy, and active. Studies have also said that sleep disorders can cause mental health problems and a number of side effects in the body. The benefits of sleep Sleep [...]

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?2016-11-17T18:23:34-05:00

2016 President – And The Winner Is…


The Presidential election will be decided today.  Will our new President be Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? What will the winner really be getting themselves into? The position of President of the United States of America is not an easy shoe to walk in.  Over the years the voting has become more and more split. [...]

2016 President – And The Winner Is…2016-11-06T13:00:37-05:00

Can Chiropractic Care Cure Cancer?


Did you see the alliteration in that title? Cure is a very strong word implying a relief of symptoms from a disease. I would never suggest that a person get chiropractic care to cure themselves of cancer, but... I would recommend chiropractic care for anyone who is looking to maintain or improve their overall health. [...]

Can Chiropractic Care Cure Cancer?2016-10-09T11:29:23-04:00
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