Movement and Physical Activity Can Lead To Happiness


Movement and physical activity can lead to happiness. Researchers have examined numerous studies and have determined a positive relationship between activity level and happiness. One of the studies showed a 1.4 and 1.5 increase in happiness among youth. The former increase coming from normal weight individuals and the latter from overweight individuals. College students who participated [...]

Movement and Physical Activity Can Lead To Happiness2018-04-22T17:52:54-04:00

5 Tips To Help Your Morning Workout During Daylight Saving Time


I slowly open my eyes to look for the clock. The room is still dark. I feel like it is time to wake up, but I am so tired. As I look at the clock I have a sense of panic. It is much later than I usually wake up and I can't figure out [...]

5 Tips To Help Your Morning Workout During Daylight Saving Time2017-03-12T12:33:16-04:00

The Miracle Morning


I just finished reading a book called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.  I often read various books about motivation, business, and/or time management.  I have always been a bit of a morning person, so this book was right up my alley. I highly recommend that you purchase or borrow this book in the near future. [...]

The Miracle Morning2016-08-28T20:22:35-04:00

Fight Stress – Take a Vacation or Play a Game


Stress plagues all of us.  We can have physical, mental, and emotional stress.  In either of these cases, a little stress will help our body grow, but too much will tear us down. Too much stress causes an increase in the release of cortisol which can lead to problems in your body. When you stress [...]

Fight Stress – Take a Vacation or Play a Game2023-05-20T06:40:23-04:00
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