Techniques for Mental and Emotional Health: Part 1


If you research mental and emotional health on Google and other places you will find 100's of solutions. At Mooresville, Active Spine Chiropractic we believe in "baby steps." When you take smaller steps you are more likely to succeed in whatever you are trying to change or accomplish. In this two part series we are [...]

Techniques for Mental and Emotional Health: Part 12015-02-09T15:44:15-05:00

Extension Exercises to Prevent Kyphosis


Kyphosis is an over-curvature of the thoracic spine.  Most of us would associate this with an elderly man or woman who can no longer stand up straight and has a severe curve in their mid back.  Fortunately you can help prevent this from happening by doing two simple things: regular chiropractic adjustments and spinal extension [...]

Extension Exercises to Prevent Kyphosis2013-04-20T09:39:44-04:00

Who Can Afford Healthcare?


The cost of health insurance is going up, the bills from the ER are out of this world, and spinal specialists want to charge you $600 just to talk.  What is going on with healthcare these days? I became a chiropractic physician nearly seven years ago with a mission to help as many people as [...]

Who Can Afford Healthcare?2013-02-17T17:21:31-05:00

Are Backpacks Too Heavy?


Are Backpacks Too Heavy? Even though we are in the age of technology and most of the information that our children need can be found on the computer, it is a wonder why our kids still walk around with extremely heavy backpacks.  My advice to you is don't wait until your child complains [...]

Are Backpacks Too Heavy?2013-01-11T19:09:30-05:00

Massage Supports Chiropractic Care


Massage Supports Chiropractic Care Several studies from the American Massage Therapy Association have demonstrated the effectiveness of massage therapy in treating back pain, neck pain, and headaches, especially when utilized with chiropractic care. The studies show that massage therapy enhances the effects of chiropractic care by relaxing the muscles and increasing blood flow [...]

Massage Supports Chiropractic Care2012-09-16T15:18:45-04:00
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